Honors Program Faculty

Lora Becker

Dr. Lora Becker



Room 217 E, Hyde Hall

Dr. Lora Becker, associate professor, 心理与神经科学系, 教授荣誉课程, 行为神经科学概论. In this course, students study the nervous system and how it controls the actions of the human body. 除了课本, students read essays from Robert Sapolsky and Oliver Sacks which present case studies of individuals with neurological impairments or critiques on how neuroscience findings can enlighten understanding of ourselves.|

“上了这门课之后, I hope that students have a greater understanding of themselves with regards to the functioning of their nervous system," explains Dr. Becker. "There are several tricks and tips a student can learn about how to better manage their concentration, 需要睡眠和学习大学材料的能力. Not only do students develop an appreciation for the field of neuroscience, 他们对自己的行为有了更好的理解."

Of Honors students, Dr. Becker remarks, "I enjoy teaching UE Honors students because they come to class with a desire to understand. 关于文章的讨论总是很生动,充满了深刻的见解!"

Dr. Becker received her undergraduate dual BS in biology and psychology from Wright State University, 以及心理生物学硕士和博士学位.. 宾厄姆顿大学行为神经科学专业. 她的研究专长是行为神经科学领域. 她在许多学术期刊上发表过文章,包括 比较临床病理学 and the 应用生物科学杂志. Dr. 贝克尔是Nu Rho Psi神经科学荣誉协会的成员, Phi Kappa Phi, 以及全国大学学者协会. She received the Dean of Arts and Sciences Teaching Award in 2007 and the Dean of Students Advisor of the Year Award in 2004.
Diane Brewer

Dr. Diane Brewer, BA, PhD


Theatre History and Criticism / John David Lutz Distinguished Professor of the Arts

Room 109A, Hyde Hall

Dr. Diane Brewer, professor of theatre, teaches three Honors courses for theatre majors – Dramaturgy I and II and Survey of Theatre Histories. 在描述这些类时, she explains, In Dramaturgy I, we look at plays that fall within the Aristotelian tradition and those that intentionally deviate from those conventions. As we do so, we engage in intensive discussions and writing assignments that help students learn to identify and understand their personal reactions to plays. 《威廉希尔中文网》2, 我们把自己扔进过去和现在之间的鸿沟, 坚持严格的研究标准, writing, and critical thinking."

"I want my students to feel challenged and inspired to continue exploring the connection between their own values and the theatre they create," Dr. Brewer notes. “我喜欢教UE荣誉学生,因为他们让我保持警觉. They often ask questions I've never considered and come up with solutions I've never imagined. 通过这种方式,他们重申了我教书的原因——不断学习."

Dr. Brewer holds a BA in drama from Tufts University and a PhD in theatre from UCLA. 她的专业领域包括戏剧史和戏剧批评, and she also dramaturgs and directs productions for the UE theatre department. Her articles have been published in The Dramaturgy Protocol, The Dramaturgy Sourcebook (vol. 4), Theatre Topics, PAJ: Performing Arts Journal, and HowlRound at the Center for Theater Commons. 她曾获得院长教学奖等荣誉, 文理学院, 英国威廉希尔中文网站 and a Certificate of Merit for Dramaturgy from the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival.
Robert Griffith

Dr. Robert Griffith



Robert Griffith, 创意写作教授, 教过几门荣誉课程, 包括爱尔兰文学和创意写作入门. In his Honors course, The Simpsons and Postmodern Literature, students used the popular TV show The Simpsons as a lens through which to examine and explore the possibilities of postmodern literature such as Nabokov's Pale Fire, Italo Calvino's 如果在一个冬夜,一个旅行者, and other novels.|

“在上了我的一门课之后, I hope students have acquired not only a greater comprehension of the subjects we study, 还有对文学本身更大的热爱,格里菲斯教授评论道.

About Honors students, 格里菲斯教授指出, "What I enjoy most about teaching UE Honors students is their willingness to challenge themselves and to more fully explore the topics they encounter. Likewise, I feel they more fully embody the mission of the University in that they engage themselves more completely in academic and creative endeavors which truly are transformative to their lives as students and citizens of the world."

Professor Griffith holds a BA in literature and creative writing from the University of Tennessee and a MFA in poetry from the University of Arkansas. His areas of expertise include creative writing (poetry, fiction, and nonfiction) and editing. 格里菲斯教授著有四本书,包括 每扇窗户里的月亮 (David Robert Books, 2011), which was nominated for the 2013 Poets' Prize and 柏拉图洞穴的日场 (Water Press & 《英国威廉希尔中文网站》,2008年),2008年印第安纳州最佳图书奖得主. He has also published poems and articles in journals and magazines such as Poetry, The Oxford American, PN Review, Phi Kappa Phi Forum, The North American Review, and others. Professor Griffith received the Sadelle and Sydney Berger Outstanding Scholar Award in 2011, as well as 英国威廉希尔中文网站 Outstanding Professor of the Year Award in 2005.
James MacLeod

Dr. James MacLeod


Room 346, Olmsted Hall

詹姆斯·麦克劳德博士毕业于苏格兰爱丁堡大学, 1988年获文学硕士学位,1993年获博士学位. 1994年至1999年,他在哈里克斯顿大学教授历史和英国研究, 自1999年以来,他一直是牛津大学历史系的一员, 他在那里教授欧洲历史和两次世界大战的课程. 麦克劳德博士是 二战时期的埃文斯维尔 [2015], and 埃文斯维尔的卡尔·凯·克内特的漫画 [ 2017]. In 2016 he wrote and co-produced a 2-part documentary on Evansville in World War II for WNIN PBS titled Evansville at War. 2000年,他出版了一本关于19世纪英国宗教的书, The Second Disruption,并撰写了30多篇其他学术出版物. 他做过数百次公开演讲, 在教学和学术方面获得过许多奖项, 2009年被评为我校优秀教师. 麦克劳德是一位活跃的当地历史学家, 并在范德堡县历史学会董事会任职, 西南印第安纳历史学会, 以及埃文斯维尔艺术博物馆, History and Science.
Mari Plikuhn

Dr. Mari Plikuhn




Dr. Mari Plikuhn received her PhD from Purdue University in 2010 in sociology with a graduate minor in gerontology. She also holds graduate degrees in sociology and marriage and family therapy. 她的研究专业领域是家庭社会学, 特别是第一代大学生的成功. 除了她的研究之外. 普利库恩教授各种各样的社会学课程, 包括:婚姻与家庭, Gender and Sexuality, Death and Dying, 环境社会学, and Research Methods. Dr. Plikuhn was named 英国威廉希尔中文网站 Outstanding Teacher of the Year in 2012, 于2016年颁发伯杰服务奖, and awarded the Eykamp Prize for Extraordinary Contributions to the University in 2022. Currently, 她是老年学中心主任, 并担任社会学项目主任, coordinating the Sociology and Gerontology majors and the Social and Human Services minor, 以及为学前社会工作提供建议.